Tanatril may be available in the countries listed below.
UK matches:
- Tanatril 5, 10 & 20mg tablets (SPC)
Ingredient matches for Tanatril
Imidapril is reported as an ingredient of Tanatril in the following countries:
Imidapril hydrochloride (a derivative of Imidapril) is reported as an ingredient of Tanatril in the following countries:
- Argentina
- Austria
- Bangladesh
- China
- Czech Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- India
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Myanmar
- Poland
- Romania
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Sri Lanka
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- Vietnam
International Drug Name Search
SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics (UK) |
Click for further information on drug naming conventions and
International Nonproprietary Names.